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tv   Piers Morgan Live  CNN  August 15, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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ran out of time for "the ridiculis ridiculist". see you at 10:00 p.m. eastern. piers morgan starts now. this is piers morgan live. welcome to the viewers in the united states and around the world. days after her rescue from the violent predator she makes the first public appearance for a fundraiser for her family. listen to her father. >> hanna sends her love and doing good day by day. we'll keep moving forward from here. thank you very much. >> much more tonight, including the question whether should be should be protecting hanna's priva privacy. fears of another day of violence across egyptian for a friday of anger on the bloody streets of cairo. president obama walk as fine
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line but shouldn't this country stay on the sideline and what about the $1.6 billion in aid from washington to cairo. i'll ask newt gingrich. he's on the grill with me tonight. should be lively. i'll ask him about this tough moment for chris christie. >> i know you think it's simple and it's not. it's simple for you. it's not simple for me. >> please don't let my daughter die. >> the whole issue of medical marijuana rearing it's head again and michael jackson's ex-wife breaks down in court over her daughter paris. i'll talk exclusively to a jackson family member speaking out for the first time. my exclusive with the great grandmother who says she was sexually harassed by san diego's mayor bob filner. she's here with her attorney, gloria allred. equipment in uproar, a day or prayer in the muslim world and increasingly a day of protest and today a muslim brotherhood spokesman tweeted
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out a call for friday anger marches to converge in the center of cairo. what will happen when the sun comes up? joining me is arwa damon live in cairo. arwa, ominous threat this friday of anger coming from the must almost brotherhood. how well coordinated is this? how dangerous could it be do you think? >> reporter: well, the muslim brotherhood is known for it's solid coordination. it is probably the best organized political party that is here, and especially given what happened yesterday, that devastating death toll that left more than 580 people killed thousands more wounded. 43 individuals on the side of the police dead as well. people are incredibly angry so one can assume that they are going to take to the streets and then the risk, of course, is yet another bloody confrontation with egypt's security forces. there have been a number of ripple effects to yesterday's
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violence, if one can even call them that. we've seen attacks on police stations, government institutions by morsi supporters and led administration of interior to authorize troops to use lethal force. we've been seeing attacks against egypt's minority christian community, at least 30 churches were attacked, lewded and burnt across the entire country in less than 24 hours, piers. >> an ominous situation. thank you. the violence in egypt is turning into a huge problem for the white house. joining me is a man who disagrees with the way the president is handling it, newt gingrich. mr. speaker, how are you? >> i'm doing well. i'm delighted to be with you and it's tragic what is happening in cairo. >> yeah, let's talk about egypt because clearly, a very, very important country, not just in the middle east but to america and the west and going up in
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flames by the look of it. this is just a military coup, isn't it? >> of course it is. i think it also illustrates the great crisis in american which is there are no good guys for us to back. the muslim brotherhood are the primary people responsible for the 30 churches that our correspondent reported on that were burned. the muslim brotherhood is anti-christian and morsi's regime was so house tail, 70% of the people in egypt indicated they wanted to replace him. so let's start with the simple fact that you have a bad government under the muslim brotherhood. none of us are particularly happy with a military coup, but a military coup from an american perspective may be the least dangerous and most positive thing that could happen.
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>> but the reason that president obama isn't using the word coup is he wants to protect his legal position in the sense that if he does say it's a coup, then america would be duty bound to withdraw the $1.6 billion of annual aid which goes predominantly to the generals who seized control. this is a fast, isn't it? because what happens if other countries, now, are boldened by what they saw in egypti and president obama's reaction and their military rises up and say hang on, it's not a coup but exactly the same as what is happening in egypt. >> the practical reality is the american military is very often a stabilizing and in the long-run modernizing force and having a relationship between the american military and local militaries is often very good. that shouldn't lead the president to lie or dissimulate what is happening. this is a provision that doesn't
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work. it's destructive of american interest and the congress ought to repeal it. let's be honest. you know, if you had to choose right now between a must almost brotherhood dictatorship destroying the christians, creating a very, very islamic egypt being openly hostile to the united states and israel or a regime like mubarak or sedan, you can make a case we're better off with the military regime than an extremist government that will become a dictatorship. >> stay with me. i want to bring in a former nato supreme commander and ivan watson and robin wright. welcome to all of you. general clark, it seems the americans and administration in america have got themselves into a deep sea situation because the dammed if they do and dammed if
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they don't. what is the proper course of action, do you think for president obama to take? >> i think the proper course of action is to be steady. do not break relations with the egyptian military. we don't like what happened. if we can work with both sides and pull them away from this confrontation that's looming or will intensify, that's what we need to do. look, the egyptian military is doing what they think they have to do to keep egypt as a modern country. they are responding to the will of the egyptian people. they went overboard, somehow, the police, i don't know how all these people got killed. that's a big failure in somebody's procedures. piers, i was a major in the u.s. european command in the fall of 197 and 1979. we went through this exact scenario with the shaw of iran. we didn't like him.
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he wasn't democratic enough. his secret police were really tough and they tortured people, and so we encouraged the emerging on a democratic movement. the generals tried to warn americans and said be careful, you're playing with fire and you're going to let him come back in. we sent a general to tell the iranian generals to back off. for 60 days we kept the military from intervening in iran. during that period, the revolution and military forces fell apart and extreme islamist took over and they said oh my goodness, take control, don't let it happen. he said we waited too long, don't have forces and a few months later all the generals were shot and we have iran today. there is an important lesson. of course we want democracy.
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we don't want slaughter until the streets. this is egypt's problem. they know it better than we do. the military is influenced by the united states. they are westernized. we should encourage the military to work with the police, minimize the violence, try to move this towards an intrusive democratic government. >> here is the problem with this, basically right back where we were, only mubarak isn't there but may well be. what happened to the idealistic dream? >> i don't think we're back where we were, piers, because in 2011, 2.5 years ago there was the excitement and enthusiasm and hope for a democratic process, and that has been killed now and we have hundreds and hundreds of dead people and their blood on top of that and you don't -- you can't promise now to egyptian people to wave a wound and have democratic
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elections now and that will make everything better. because the people who won those elections are some of the people who are being butchered in the streets and perhaps some of them are also carrying out reprisal attacks. so you don't have that optimistic goal to push the egyptian people towards and for them to be excited about. instead, we have a much bigger crisis in our hands. how do we stop this cycle of violence and if the security forces use force against these possible marches that the must almost brotherhood is calling upon on friday, that could continue this already terrible and tragic loss of life where you have bodies stacked up in the mosques. it will continue if that use of force is repeated again on friday. >> robin wright, what is the solution here? is there a solution? ivan painted a grim picture there and as general clark said, if you're not very careful, you
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can end up with another iran. >> there is no comparison but the stakes are enormous and there are no easy outs. the problem right now is there is very little influs wednesday has over the united states even though they are the corner stone with u.s. elatirelations. the danger is the military is head strong at the moment, and dead set on -- literally dead set on following through to prevent the muslim brotherhood from having any role in politics, democratic or otherwise and that it is likely to pursue a course that will make it very hard for the u.s. or international community in general to play any significant role, and that will limit the options. now i suspect there will be a huge debate in washington very soon over the future of u.s. aid and whether the $1.5 billion that is provided, most of it to the military should be
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suspended, should be deferred, that that will be the next step we see in -- from washington eastsi' 's side. washington will watch closely whether the new constitution is announced next week, next wednesday, there there are elections held free and fair elections that are held for both the parliament and president over the next six months. those are the big steps that should play out next. >> well, tomorrow obviously to be a fascinating day. a friday of anger being promised by the muslim brotherhood. we'll see what that takes and the reaction from the military. thank you to you-all. newt gingrich, i'm putting you back on the grill after the break, which is where my viewers want to see you. hey kevin...still eating chalk for heartburn? yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya!
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these are complicated issues. i know you think it's simple. >> we had -- >> i know you think it's simple, and it's not. >> please don't let my daughter die, governor. >> chris christie under fire on medical marijuana. trouble for the rising star of the gop. ne newt gingrich there, interesting conversation, the father whose 2-year-old daughter vivian has a condition which many believe may be treated by medical marijuana, but that's currently out lawed in new jersey and chris christie has a make a big decision there whether it should be allowed for medicinal purposes. what is your view about that? do you think it should be allowed? sanjay gupta has a fascinating
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documentary in which he saw a young girl who had terrible tremors being cured by medical marijuana. >> i think you have to walk very carefully in this area. i looked at it a number of years ago and sympathetic to the medical marijuana idea, and i think under controlled circumstances, there are circumstances that you describe these two young ladies for whom it might be a matter of life or death or dramatic change in life of death, that's one thing. if it's an excuse to make marijuana legal for everybody, which is what happens in some states that have gotten -- gone down this road i would be opposed to it. so i think you have to be very careful what you are describing and under what circumstances and if it's a rare unusual case, i think that's one thing. if it's the general legalization, i think that's a huge mistake. >> what is the ideal difference between allowing it for medical
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purposes in many statemens and recreational reasons in others. people still classified it in america, classified by lawmakers as dangerous as heroin or lsd which is none sense. if it was something that could help somebody who is sick or be used recreationally like alcohol or tobacco, why bother being so anti of it being legalized? >> they do indicate there are impacts on people's brains that are real and not comparable to heroin or cocaine, but they are real. that's an issue people who look at this can argue about but a real question. second, i think there is a huge difference, you start out as you just did. here is this terrible case, a 2-year-old girl, a unique circumstance and suddenly the next question is gee, why not legal wise it for everyone? that's why when i came out in the 19 80s and said we should
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consider medical marijuana and backed off because so many parents said you know this is the first step and you know what the signal it will send to our children is, it's okay to use it and they were so frightened of the cultural symbol, and i just backed off of it and decided it wasn't worth the cause. you raised narrow, specific concerns for specific people that could be handled within the medical system. that i would consider. but i wouldn't then leap from that to a general legalization. >> would you support chris christie to run as a republican nominee in 2016? he seems to be gearing up for a run. >> look, if he wins the nomination i would enthusiastically support him as opposed to -- >> that wasn't my question, mr. speaker. i was asking whether you would support him as the nominee, if you get the drift, before the egg is laid. >> no, i won't support any one
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person. there are a number of great candidates that will run. i enencourse the idea he should consider running and that he strengthens and broadens the republican party by representing a blue state, a heavily unionized state, doing it very electively. he's a very good governor of new jersey and i think you would bring a lot to the republican primary process. >> we'll turn to this strange story, the rodeo clown. a clown at a state fair was wearing a barack obama mask, and has been banned for life from competing in the state fairs and appearing in them again. what is your view of that? >> this is such stupid childish over reaction that i'm astoni astonish astonished. i've lived through richard nixon masks. i've lived through ronald reagan masks. i've lived through george w. bush masks.
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i never heard anybody in the elite media, not once express a sense it wfwas inappropriate. here is this poor guy making a living, a rodeo clown -- >> let's take a look. for viewers who haven't seen it. look at the actual moment this seems to have caused offense. >> and president obama -- i know i'm a clown, he's just running around acting like one doesn't know he is one. soon as this bull comes out obama don't you move, he's going to get ya, get ya, get ya. >> it's a bit silly but he's a clown and my view, i sort of agree with you. you might be shocked. i think it's ridiculous. >> i'm delighted you agree with me and i can't imagine why anybody who believes in the first amendment isn't enraged at the decision they made in missouri and i can't imagine why the president doesn't invite this guy up to his resort in fan
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tuck et and buy him a beer and say i'm a bigger guy than this. let's have a beer. at least you have a job. >> i would think hell will freeze over before that happens but i would like to register my support of the first amend the of the constitution as a great well-known constitutional list. let's move on to stop and frisk and the on going furry about that in new york. i know that your view is basically it's all a great idea and this judge says it should continue. when you study statics on this, it is obviously racial profiling and the issue is is that acceptable if a certain element of society from a certain race are commenting a certain type of crime? >> well, let me first of all say about stop and frisk that every time i get on an airplane i'm stopped and frisked and i accept that as a part of travel in
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america, and every person who travels is stopped and frisked and happens to all of us. >> how would you feel -- hang on. hang on. how would you feel if 85, 90% of those frisked at airports were black of latinos? would you think it's inherently wrong? >> how about if they were ageing white-haired politicians? >> i think that would be mandatory -- >> there you go. >> you're a menace to society, mr. speaker. i'm talking about the reality is -- >> piers -- >> you cite an example there as if there is an equivalence but there isn't really -- >> here -- >> everybody gets frisked. >> wait a second. >> what is happening in new york? >> here is the problem for all the people who get all hyper about this. if you're going to go to the neighborhoods that have the highest level of crime, you're going to, in fact, stop and frisk more people who are minorities because that's where the crime is.
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i think something like 2% of the murders in new york were commented by whites last year, overwhelmingly they are commented by african americans and so if you want -- and ironically and tragically, it's african americans killing african americans. so if, in fact, you want to save young black males, stop and frisk in the opinion of police commissioner kelly and in the opinion of the mayor is anfective system. now we can try this social experiment. maybe we should say let's take half the areas violent and not allow stop and frisk and half the areas and do allow stop and frisk and let's see over the course of the next two years whether more young black males are being killed in the area where you're not allowed to stop and frisk. that's a pretty expensive experiment in terms of lives of young black men who will be killed? >> that may be an argument but of course, crime has also gone down as it has in new york in other cities that don't have
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stop and frisk, los angeles, dallas and new orleans to name three. there is no real evidence it actually does contribute to reducing crime. all it does do is make a lot of people, black and latinos feel increasingly disenfranchised if they are unfairly targeted which in its evil elf is good for the of the people. >> the folks that are the most concerned, the people that get on tv, who express their deep anxiety, they don't express the same anxiety about what do we do to save the lives of the people being killed in these neighborhoods? if you look at a place it has not gone down, chicago, you might ask the question if you can save 2 or 300 young african american males in chicago with stop and frisk, maybe they should bring in commissioner kelly and talk about what happened in new york because new york's murder rate is dramatically lower than detroit
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of chicago. >> that has given me a chance to make an apology, which is unusual, not to you mr., speaker, so don't get to excited but i said virginia had the highest murder rate according to the fbi in 2009 and it didn't and that was an inaccurate fact and i'm happy to correct it now. mr. speaker, good to talk to you. i look forward to cross fire starting. i can't think of a better person to be involved. good to see you and come back soon. >> good to see you. hanna anderson's first public appearance. she's speaking out. should someone protect her privacy. i'll talk to another kidnapping victim, jaycee dugard. on and o, with the help of soccer stars. these free clinics, help kids gain confidence in their game, and learn how important it is to get moving every day.
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hanna sends her love. she's doing good day by day and we'll just keep moving forward from here. thank you very much. the father of hanna anderson speaking at a family fundraiser a short time ago. hanna attended the fundraiser, the first public appearance since being rescued from the kidnapping with james dimaggio. what was happening there tonight and how would you describe hanna anders anderson's demeanor? >> reporter: what has been going on all day is a fundraiser for hanna anderson and her family. this restaurant decided to donate 20% of the sales it gets today to that family, and i can tell you this restaurant has been busy all day long. there has been a line. you can probably see the line behind me right now. people still waiting to get in. it will really help out the
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family, which is not a wealthy family. hanna looked like a scared 16-year-old girl that did not want to receive the media attention she's receiving. she entered into the restaurant through the kitchen, tried to avoid cameras, tried to avoid reporters. she seemed very uncomfortable. once she was inside the restaurant with peers, friends, family, neighbors, she was much more relaxed. her family member ps said she wanted to be here to thank all of those people who supported her not only throughout the ordeal, also, people that are supporting her as she now tries to build her life back again, piers. >> casey, just quickly, what does the family intend to do with the money being raised here? >> reporter: well, they aren't saying what they intend to do with it. her father said he may end up giving some of it back depending how much is raised. at this event they expect several thousand dollars to be raised, a family with funeral
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expenses for a mother and brother. she has living expenses going ahead further. her father lives on the east coast. her grandparents live here. we don't know where she will stay. this family is in financial need and i think that money will come in handy. >> how is hanna dealing with the traumatic kidnapping? joining me is the author of "safe kids, smart parents." welcome. dr. rebecca bailee, let me start with you. different case than jaycee dugard and parallels how these young women recover from an ordeal like this. are you surprised as i am for the wrong reasons but surprised that hanna anderson within 36, 48 hours of this terrible ordeal and discovering that her mother and son have been brutally murdered by this man went online for a whole day engaging in pretty frank and open discussion
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with random strangers today? a big fundraiser. it seems to me slightly odd behavior and perhaps not in her best interest? what do you think? >> i'm not surprised at all. i think that different people process things differently, and this is her way of owning her story and somewhat taking control of the story. do i have concerns about the possible things being taken out of context and blown up that she may not have intended to? i do. but at the same time there is a way that she's announcing this is not my shame. it is his shame. and i think that's really important. she sounds like a bunch of 16-year-olds that i've worked with, seen, have in my own home. >> dr. judy, i mean, the other area that remains slightly mysterious is whether any part of this, hanna anderson may have gone voluntarily with james
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dimaggio. we know they have gone on various day trips to malibu and exchanged apparently 13 phone calls on the day of this incident. it creates a potential picture that maybe at the start of this she thought she was going on an ham of her mother and brother being killed? >> i think in a way her announcing everything on social media and having this question, answer session was her way of clarifying where she was at. i thought there were people thinking maybe your come police et in this and maybe collaborations -- >> either way, she's a victim. >> right. >> she's 16 years old and this guy clearly has some sort of crush on her. we know that now from what he said in the online debate and groomed her in someway and pursued her. she remains a victim. it answers questions why perhaps
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when they met complete strangers on horseback she didn't raise a red flag? >> abls lsolutely. a family friend, a best friend and she didn't want to be killed something she said online. she was afraid if she said something at that point when they ran into horseback riders, he would kill her if she said anything. >> dr. baby -- >> piers -- >> worked very close with jaycee dugard, respond to that, if you want to, yeah. >> there is so much attention on the idea of the quote unquote stranger abduction but we know statistically that abductions are a highly more likely with family members. this is the take away from this, sadly, that we do really need to pay attention to some of the people in our kid's lives and try to understand their intentions. i in no way want to sound like i'm blaming this family. you know, here is this other man spending a lot of time, so --
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and i really, i really want to bring that home and that was the premise in the book over and over the importance of revisiting and talking to your children and understanding that non-familiar abductions are rare. this is in my book a familiar abduction. >> right, i think that's right. finally, dr. judy, quickly, if you can, what advice would you give to the anderson family for trying to move on now? obviously, she's out and about tonight, hanna, she's been engaging with people online. what other things should she do, you think? >> i think there is a big part of families that traumatized and normalize everything and bring it to a stable point but there needs to be some type of processing. i think the online venue may not be the best way because it can bring up criticism and questions she might not be prepared to handle but i think there should be some processing going on with a trusted professional, maybe family friends to lean on each other and not ignore this
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happened. >> thank you both very much indeed. the wrongful death suit, dramatic testimony and a jackson family member who has never spoken publicly about her family before. ♪
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michael jackson's ex-wife
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debbie row problmobbed outside court today. row had powerful and shocking things to say to the jury today. cnn's ted joins us tonight from los angeles. very dramatic today. debbie row making it clear what she thought. tell me what happened. >> reporter: very riveting piers. jurors got a sense of what it was like to be by michael during these periods of his life. talking about the birth of their children and spending time with the father, he was a wonderful father and telling stories about watching movies with him and chronicling the downward spiral of michael. it was riveting. >> paris jackson and the trama
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she's suffered? >> reporter: yeah, this was the most emotional part of the day. she was asked what effect has michael jackson's death had on the children? and she said well, all the children lost their father, and then she turned it to paris hilton saying i almost lost my daughter. she almost committed suicide. she's devastated. she's trying to find herself. it was very emotional as debbie row broke down in tears. in fact, they had to stop the proceedings after that to take a break because she was so emotional. >> ted rollins, i think you met paris jackson, not paris hilton. thanks, ted. randy jackson's daughter was 18 when her super star uncle died. she is speaking out about michael jackson, his death and the wrongful death trial. welcome. i can almost tell immediately you're a jackson. >> yes. >> you got the look, the face, you probably sing, as well, right? >> yes, i do. >> of course you do. >> you've lived in the home with
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the jackson family until you were two years old until recently and the last few years with paris jackson and michael's other children. debbie row made it clear paris there has suffered terribly since her father died. >> yes. >> how would you describe the reality of what her life has been like? >> it's rough. but i think for all three of them for the rest of my family and especially them three because that is -- that was the world and that was their father and because i know for me, when i was in high school, i had to get pulled out of school during the second trial because it was so painful for me and people would ask questions. i can't imagine what she went through in school and what the other kids are going through. >> i mean, you're randy's daughter and you're 23, and he's obviously one of the jackson brothers and a big star. being michael's daughter is a whole different level of fame and attention, isn't it? paris is right in the cross fire
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of all this. >> yes. >> what kind of advice do you give her? you must be almost like a big sister to her. >> yes, i always tell her to stay strong and remember what her daddy taught her, because he taught her a lot, all three of them. >> what did he teach you? what kind of things? >> well, he taught them to always listen and to watch everything that's around them and to pay attention. you know, they are very, very smart children. and to stay strong, to have rhino skin, that's what he says. >> how is kathryn dealing with the trial because it must be a big ordeal for her to hear the painful details and revelations about michael being brought up. >> it's hard for my grandmother. she's hearing these horrible things said about my uncle. i can't even imagine. that's her son. you know, i don't think she will ever really heal from this.
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>> what is being a jackson mean to you? i mean, you're one of the family. there is so many of you, and you have this extraordinary bond together. i've interviewed almost all the family now. how would you describe being a jackson? >> the questions, to me, it's normal to be, i guess, a jackson but we don't really have privacy and that's one thing that i do wish my family did have was privacy and people not attacking us and watching every move we do. but other than that, we're like every other family. >> what would you like to happen from this trial? what would the jackson family, what would paris and michael's children like to happen -- >> to have justice. >> what would you see justice to be? >> the truth to come out and it is coming out. >> what do you believe the truth is?
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>> i don't even want to get there, but yeah, i don't want to touch that situation, but i do believe there is more -- it's deeper than what it is. >> kathryn said to me they believe michael jackson was killed by conrad murray and the promoters act in bad faith, put this guy in and took his life. >> yes. >> that's what the family thinks? >> yes. >> do you think you'll get justice? >> yes. >> do you think the trial is going the right way? >> yes, the truth always comes out. >> debbie row's evidence is powerful. do you know debbie? >> you know, i met her once -- >> quite recently, right? >> quite recently. about a month ago, she's a nice lady and she's funny. she's funny. >> for paris, i mean, is she watching this trial? is she engaged at all? >> no. >> is she trying to avoid it? >> she's avoiding -- i'm sure she's avoiding it. >> nice to meet you.
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>> nice to meet you, too. >> another member of the jackson family. extraordinary family, show biz family and must be tough for all of you to go through the trial but i think you've done yourself proud tonight. >> thank you. my exclusive interview with a great grandmother sexually harassed by governor bob filner. she joins me with her attorney gloria al red. that's coming up next. copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours. you know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens,
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san diego mayor bob filner is facing a slew of sexual harassment charges. 15 women have come forward to say they were victimized by him. tonight, a new allegation from a great grandmother. he says bob filner kissed her while she worked in the city hall administration building. she joins me now with her attorney gloria allred. welcome to you both. peggy shannon, you're 67 years old, a great grandmother. the very last thing you would expect is to be harassed by your mayor. tell me what happened. >> he started coming by the desk where i work in city hall and making inappropriate -- talking
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to me about wanting to do a date on the weekend and i knew he was a, you know, engaged. and he would, you know, another day he came up to me without any warning when i was outside going home, and hugged me and kissed me. i was appalled. i was shocked. and it's not something that i thought that the mayor would ever do. >> gloria allred, there's a sort of tendency to laugh at all these things. we have anthony weiner and eliot spitzer, but it does have da damaging effects to the victims. >> it does, piers. she's trying to do her job, living on social security and getting minimum wage with the
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hours she's putting in. and she's apalled that the mayor did what he did. i mean, she alleges that he came up to her and made a comment such as, do you think i can go eight hours straight? and that, of course, was take on the mean possibly a sexual comment. and she said, you're kidding? and then he reportedly said, no, i can go eight hours straight. well, that is completely inappropriate to say to somebody working. there and to kiss her on the lips. she never gave him any reason, piers, to think she wanted anything other than a working relationship. by the way, i mean, the mayor says that he can go eight hours straight. we just want him to go. we want him to leave the office of mayor and resign once and for all. >> let me play a clip from what he said, this is what filner had to say about his own behavior.
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>> i am embarrassed to admit i have failed to fully respect the fill who work for me and with me, and at times i have intimidated them. it's a good thing that behavior that would have been tolerated in the past is being called out in this generation for what it is, inappropriate and wrong. >> peggy shannon, when you hear him being apparently so contrite, do you forgive him or not? >> well, i'm a very good woman to where i can forgive somebody that has done wrong to me. but the very next day he says, i really didn't do anything, prove it. and i'm sorry, but he did do a lot of things inappropriate, and i can forgive anybody, but he needs to step down and resign. >> we now know, you're the 16th woman to come forward with
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allegations. do you believe that there are more? did you hear other stories? >> well, people are surprised that, as a great grandmother, that this happened to me. so it could happen to anybody else. any other senior. any other person. >> piers, i happen to know that more women have contacted me than have come forward publicly. some of them do not wish to come forward publicly and i support and respect that decision. but we're hoping that all of them will contact the sheriff's hotline, because the sheriff's office is doing a complete investigation. peggy, this afternoon, did speak with sheriff investigators, and we're looking forward to the outcome of that investigation and the decision by the attorney general of california as to whether or not they want to proceed with criminal charges or not. and if so, for whom? >> peggy shannon and gloria
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allred, thank you very much for coming on. we'll be right back after this short break. [ beeping ] ♪ [ male announcer ] we don't just certify our pre-owned vehicles. we inspect, analyze and recondition each one, until it's nothing short of a genuine certified pre-owned... mercedes-benz for the next new owner. ♪ hurry in to your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for 1.99% financing during our certified pre-owned sales event through september 3rd.
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it's been three nights since john oliver offered $10,000 to anyone who can produce a video of me falling off a segue. here's what he said. >> this is important. i would like to personally offer $10,000 in reward to anyone who can bring me footage of piers
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morgan falling off that segue. [ applause ] >> okay, just to remind you, mr. oliver, here is the video. >> sit back, sit back more. >> i want my 10 grand. i'm going to give it all to the intrepid fallen heroes fund. but i want my money. that's all for us tonight. anderson cooper starts right now. piers, thanks. good evening. it's 10:00 on the east coast. breaking news and shocking video as the death toll climbs in egypt. also, with his little girl's life on the line, a father confronts chris christie for the signature he believes can save her life, allowing 2-year-old vivian wilson the medical marijuana she needs. later, my conversation about


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